Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year - A New Noobie On A Budget!

First of all I want to wish you a happy and exciting new year! This year will be the year of the Dragon, which is a good sign, cuz I'm compatible with dragons. Hopefully this year will be good to me.

My first post for this year is another entry to the newbie challenge which actually already ended on December 31st, 2011. Anyways, since there were lots of free goodies during the holiday season, I took advantage of it and went shopping with my second noob. Here are two looks, the later with two hairstyles. I'm including the links to the stores this time.

CanTell Mizser - Newbie Challenge - Entry Nr. 2-1 CanTell Mizser - Newbie Challenge - Entry Nr. 2-2

Hair: Lelutka (free subscriber gift for Xmas, hurry up!) = 0L$
Skin: YS&YS (free group gift) = 0L$
Body Shape: My own (not for sale) = 0L$
Eyes: [Roly-Poly] (free on SLM) = 0L$
Dress: R.icielli (sale) = 30L$
Boots (Viewer 2 compatible): Vida (via SLM) = 29 L$
Lipstick: R.icielli (Promo via SLM) = 50L$
Eyeshadow: Mons (via The Dressing Room Blue) = 50L$
No Alpha Eyelashes: Skintimate (via SLM) = 10L$
Sunglasses (scripted): Koguma Kumaki (via SLM) = 0L$
Pearl Necklace (modified): Jetcity (via SLM) = 0L$
Earrings: Sn@tch (free gift) = 0L$
Animation Overrider: Tuty's (via SLM) = 0L$
Poses: Masoom (via Fabfree Headquarters @ The Wash) = 0L$
Location: Downtown District 8

Total amount spent: 169L$

CanTell Mizser - Noob 2-3 CanTell Mizser - Noob 2-5
CanTell Mizser - Noob 2-4

Hair: Analog Dog (3 Hairstyles Xmas Gift) = 0L$
Skin (incl. tattoo lashes): YS&YS (via The Dressing Room) = 70L$
Body Shape: My own (not for sale) = 0L$
Eyeshadow: Mons (via The Dressing Room Blue) = 50L$
Eyes: Insufferable Dastard (Xmas gift via SLM) = 0L$
Top: = 45L$
Scarf: Mr. Poet = 0L$
Jeans: Nardcotix = 37L$
Boots: COCO Designs (group gift) = 0L$
Belt: COCO Designs = 50L$
Animation Overrider: Vista Animations (via SLM) = 1L$
Location: C-Music Lounge

Total amount spent: 253L$

I'm busy working on new releases for my store at the moment, and I've been working on three Complete Avatars at the same time. But I still can't finish them, cuz creating hair is such a pain in the ass and I haven't got much time.

Hopefully I can finish and release one new product this month, so stay tuned by subscribing to my blog.