Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Dark Side

As you may have noticed, I never mention any of the skins I use. I only blog about the outfit and so on, cuz it's the only personal SL thing I wanted to keep for myself (also because they were all bought for personal use). But this particular Redgrave skin line inspired me to write this post.

This is actually the first Redgrave skin I ever bought, because I was never a Redgrave skin fan. One of the reasons why I wasn't feeling the Redgrave skins were, they tend to be more orange. Another reason is that every malformed bimbo with a passion for bling and Stiletto Moody shoes I encounter in world, mostly wear Redgrave. They mostly look the same too. Maybe they all live together in a bimbo camp or somethin' like that.

Anyway, I'm still not a fan of the "regular" Redgrave skins, but this one is different -- it's a Goth skin! It might be obvious already, that I have a weakness for Goths, Vampires, Demons and all those creepy stuff. That doesn't mean though, that I like all available Goth skins. For me to like a skin, these are what I look for:

- Excellent quality. Which means the shadings and make-up shouldn't be sloppy work e.g. nose and ass shading, shouldn't be too strong that it looks like it's dirty. Same goes with make-up. If it looks like someone punched your cheeks with blush that is even too dark for you, or eyeshadow like it was applied by someone who didn't have glasses on etc. And most important is -- no seams.

- Eyebrows. I'm very sensitive when it comes to eyebrows. I want them as realistic as possible and nicely shaped, but at the same time, not too thick. Please don't draw the eyebrows too close to each other. You wouldn't wanna do that in RL either or you'll look like you're angry all the time. Of course one can adjust the slider, to widen the upper nose bridge width, but not to the extreme, just to make it look right. Now if you do widen it extremely, do that with the eyes too, so you can achieve a fish-look-a-like face.

- Variety of skin colors, especially in the tan or sunkissed section

- Darker nipples. If your skin is brown or tan, light nipples just wouldn't look right.

- Hairbase. An outstandingly made one, which looks realistic is of course the non-plus ultra. The best ones in this field in my opinion are LAQ and Lelutka.

- Cleavage options. More varieties more plus points for you.

So if a skin meets most of the above requirements and the face doesn't look either like a 12 year old innocent kid, cutie pie boo boo boo sweety face or a thoroughly over-used slut, then I have to get it.

Now when it comes to Goth skins, breast cleavage and hairbase is of course an absolute plus, but the skin still needs to look gorgeous. Most Goth or Vampire skins are nothing but paper white crap, with various mascara tears running down the face crap etc. like it's everywhere you go (SL fashion is really getting more and more boring). Very little definition, cuz ok I understand it's more difficult to create more details on both very light and very dark skin.

Most also have faces like, ok they gotta be kinda scary, but you see the face and that's it. It's not tantalizing (what a vampire's aura is suppose to express) not attractive and just plain, how to say, well it's really best if they just bury themselves again and just stay there.

So it's actually very rare for me to go "wow!" when I see a really well made Gothic skin, and this time the praise goes to Redgrave. When I first saw this skin, I was blown away. Especially by the one without eyebrows and veins on the skin... it's such an amazing work! And the other one with the eyebrows, I just have to say, that they are perfect!

Here are some outfits I'm gonna show you, which compliments the Goth skin. I hope the shots I took can show the details I'm talking about. So here's for you to see. (Click on images to enlarge)

Just look how great this skin is. The detail is just amazing!

Skin: Redgrave - Trinity

Outfit: Barerose Tokyo

Eyelashes: Redgrave

Hair: Nikita Fride

Boots: Duck Nipple

Sword: Phantom Kaos - Daewalker

Eyes: Patmamu Sandalwood

Belt: Musashi

Tattoo: Strange Behavior

Outift: SLink
Hair: Exile and Nikita Fride

Necklace: Hevan Lament

Bodysuit: Graves
Cloak: Barerose

Hair: Tukinowaguma

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